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My art stretches across multiple mediums and techniques utilizing a variety of materials and objects found in nature as well as city streets. I enjoy finding new ways to blend these materials into unknown outcomes for it is the joy of playing at art that keeps me creating.


    Robin lives in the woods of Northern Michigan where she is inspired by the natural world that is out her back door. She’s dabbled in multiple art forms from an early age and recently has made art her full-time passion after retiring from a 25-year career with the Department of Natural Resources.


     She is a self-taught, perpetual student of art in multiple mediums with no allegiance to any one subject or technique. It is this openness that allows her to tap into her creative “juices” without limitations. Her favorite pieces emerge when she’s not forcing the creation, but rather just playing and letting the subconscious steer her. That is why she believes her practice in Yoga, Qi Gong, Mindfulness Meditation, and dream journaling helps remove barriers to the well of creativity and influences some of her favorite works.


     Her work has been shown in multiple local galleries, art walks, and exhibits, and she is especially proud of the selection of her Lake Collage Fiber Art piece to be hung in the new wing of a local hospital. Robin has a childlike wonder and playful personality.


    As an artist, she wants viewers to feel the same joy and playfulness she infuses in each of her pieces.

Robin Pearson  |   Artist at Play

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